
Seann Brackin is living in Madrid, Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. He was born in Rock Springs, Wyoming in 1976.

Raised by artists, he lived in Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico until, at seventeen he launched his life and has spent it traveling tireless around the world. He ended up in Gunnison Colorado, Portland Oregon, Los Angeles, and the St. Louis area for stints before moving to Madrid, Spain and then to Sydney, Australia. He currently splits his time between Madrid and Los Angeles.

Seann's work is about the energy of life, emotions and movement.

He has an MFA from Claremont Graduate University in painting and sculpture and a BFA from The Pacific Northwest College Of Art in painting with emphases in sculpture and contemporary art.


To me, my paintings are blank cassettes. They are activated abstract spaces readable by each individual uniquely. As a “cassette” they are filled with all my thoughts and emotions and experiences which occurred during their making. I imagine that every person seeing my work will record consciously or inadvertently their thought and emotions in the work as well. Using abstraction I feel that I can allow newness and visual honesty to exist, generating an activated space for you to enter and become a part of, in your own time.

I also have a sculptural story called "Time-Space Travel Device For The Unification of Humanity". These are spaceships, one of which you can enter, and others to see as toys. To me, these are vessels to link the inner mental world with the outside world of physical things and society. Using these devices I create a playful, utopian connection with the sci fi movies that shipped my childhood and a notion that using playful spaceships can be used to share emotions and ideas which can allow new perspectives and thoughts to form. My hope is that this can create connections to unite people and generate new hope.